Complete Anonymity & Privacy Course

The following tutorial series is a small part of the complete "Anonymity" & "Privacy" course. If you want to reach the whole training series, ask questions and support to this project, you can enroll for the course. You can click on this card to view the course.

3. Section 24. Lecture

VPN over TOR

VPN over TOR

In this connection type, in contrast to the connection type i mentioned in the previous lecture, your internet access looks like the this.

Your Computer -> Tor -> VPN -> Internet

At the time of preparing this course, there were only 2 VPN service providers, "AirVPN" and "BolehVPN", that provided this service.

If we briefly touch on the advantages and disadvantages of using VPN over Tor;



When we consider all these advantages and disadvantages, it can be said that using the second method, "VPN over Tor", is not a good choice for many people.

If you are using the right VPN service, the first method "Tor over VPN" connection will meet all your needs. I don't recommend using the "VPN over Tor" method and will not be covered in the course.

I just wanted to explain it briefly so that you are aware that such a method also exists.

Although Tor alone provides you with very good anonymity, you can decide to use the Tor network over VPN or alone, depending on your needs, considering the advantages and disadvantages of using VPN. For example, if the address you want to connect to has an SSL certificate and you don't want to hide the information that you are connected to the Tor network from your internet service provider or observers, you don't have to use a VPN.

Yes, you have finally learned to bypass all obstacles and securely connect to the Tor network via the Tor browser. Now let's talk about the Tor browser settings and why those settings should exist.

Previous: 23. Lecture

Tor over VPN

Next: 25. Lecture

Tor Browser Settings

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