Complete Anonymity & Privacy Course

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3. Section 23. Lecture

TOR over VPN

TOR over VPN

When you want to access the internet through the Tor network, the traffic between you and the entry node assigned to you can be monitored by malicious observers.

If the website you are visiting to doesn't have SSL or TLS encryption layer, ie the encrypted connection that appears as "https", the traffic between the website and you won't be encrypted, so it can be monitored by observers.

If the website you communicate with has an valid SSL or TLS certificate, the observer can't know about the content, even if it monitors the connection between them, observer can only see that you have access to the Tor network. The SSL and TLS certificates mentioned here both encrypt the traffic between you and the website.

Some websites use SSL while others use TLS certificate. For the rest of the course I will be referring to both certificates by simply saying SSL.

When you connect to the Tor network over VPN, your internet access appears as like that.

Your Computer -> VPN -> Tor -> Internet

Advantages of connecting to the Tor network over VPN;

In addition to these advantageous features, there are also disadvantages we experience when connecting to the Tor network over VPN ;

Things to consider when choosing a VPN;

The priorities you should be aware of when using the Tor network over VPN; It is to prefer VPN services that provide uninterrupted service, never keep logs and can make payments anonymously. If you ask why these are important;

At this point, you have to decide for yourself which is the most ideal VPN service. It can be difficult to determine which VPN service is trusted. So you may want to check out this VPN comparison chart by That One Privacy Site, which analyzes almost 200 VPN providers based on their jurisdictions and policies.

For example, in the period I reviewed this list, express VPN was chosen as the most ideal VPN service.

In addition to being on the list, according to my personal experience, I can recommend you to use "Express VPN". My recommendation reason; It has been proven by independent organizations that it doesn't keep logs and prevents the leak of your real IP address by disconnecting the internet as soon as the VPN connection is lost. You can use the crypto money "bitcoin" for payment, and you can also get a refund if you are not satisfied by trying the service for a month.

Although this service is ideal in my opinion, you can of course take a look at alternative services and make your own decision. In addition, what I explain here isn't an advertisement for the service. It is a service that I have specified to share my personal opinion for suggestion purposes. I have created a special discount link for this course so that only those who want to use it can use it at a discount. I have added the link to the resources for this lecture. You can try it if you want to use it.

After choosing the right VPN service, all you have to do to use Tor over VPN is to start the VPN service of your choice before connecting to the Tor network. To connect to the VPN service, you need to download and install the application of your preferred service on your system. After the installation process, you can make the VPN connection very easily.

For example, after establishing the VPN connection of the Express VPN service, when you connect to the Tor network through the Tor Browser application, you can ensure secure communication, as anyone who observes your internet and Tor network can only see that you are establishing a VPN connection.

Previous: 22. Lecture

Bridge Connection

Next: 24. Lecture

VPN over TOR

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