Complete Anonymity & Privacy Course

The following tutorial series is a small part of the complete "Anonymity" & "Privacy" course. If you want to reach the whole training series, ask questions and support to this project, you can enroll for the course. You can click on this card to view the course.

2. Section 3. Lecture

How Does Tor Work ?

How Does Tor Work ?

Tor is basically based on the obfuscation principle. In order to better understand the working structure and to see what kind of system we actually rely on, let's start by talking about the general working structure.

For the process of anonymizing the user, 3 of approximately 6500 volunteer servers are selected randomly.

These selected servers are called nodes. While connected to the Tor network, data packets are encrypted and transmitted through these three nodes to the target server. The server's response packet is encrypted in the same way and transmitted to the user, over three nodes. In this way, all traffic between the website and you is anonymized.

Quite generally, this is the way the Tor network works. However, let's continue to explain as it will make us more secure to know in a little more detail how our anonymity is provided through this structure.

In example scenario, let's visit via Tor and explain all the process steps that take place during our visit one by one.

This much information is enough for now, as going into much deeper and technical issues will not make you safer on the Tor network. This is how the Tor network generally works. We will be talking about this working structure in more detail in the following sections. If you are curious about the technical and scientific details behind the Tor network, there are many articles on this subject, you can easily access this detailed information on the Tor official website or if you do a short internet search. However, you can be sure that in this course I will talk about everything you need to know about anonymity and privacy.

Previous: 2. Lecture

What is TOR ?

Next: 4. Lecture

What Makes the Tor Network Secure?

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